Sunday, September 18, 2011


Sorry about the lack of updates & pictures! Still learning how to use this & my pictures won't rotate the right way :-( It's getting really annoying! I'll keep at it until it's fixed! Thanks for your


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Contact Me!

I've come to realize it seems my love for photography gets out mostly but "word of mouth". So first of all, thank you to everyone that recommends me! :-) Secondly, I want to put my email here so people can start giving out my email to your friends and/or family interest in shoots, rather than my fb page!

Please feel free to contact me about ANYHTING, prices, packages, dates, etc. Always open to new ideas and new places!


If you know me, you've probably seen my facebook site, lately I've been doing lots of weddings, and mostly senior pictures. I've decided it's time for my own website, or in this case, a blog! I know several people who blog and LOVE it so I figured why not! This blog will be all about the sessions I do to keep people updated on pictures! :-) Although this isn't facebook, so I'll have to settle no more than probably 5-8 pictures each blog post. Hope you like it!